CyAN Global Coalition to Protect Cyber Researchers – The Register coverage


“Typically, they find a flaw, then notify the vendor. And at that point they get a cease and desist or threatening letter…” Last week, the Cybersecurity Advisors Network (CyAN)’s International VP Peter Coroneos spoke to The Register, a leading British technology news site, about the launch of our inclusive global coalition attempting to secure consistent legal immunities for bona […]

CyAN Global Coalition to Protect Cyber Researchers – iTWire coverage


“At a time of unprecedented scale and seriousness of cyber attacks threatening our personal information, the continuity of our businesses and the systems and infrastructure that support our societies, we find the very people we rely on to protect us remain under threat.” On Tuesday, Cybersecurity Advisors Network (CyAN) International VP Peter Coroneos sat with Alex Zaharov-Reutt of iTWire, the […]