Supporting Projects
CyAN has an established track record of supporting projects involving our members. These tackle some of cybersecurity’s most challenging problems, ranging from mental health to protecting zero-day researchers.
The CyAN community and board can provide content, publicity, and legitimacy to help launch and grow these initiatives:
MaTeCC is an annual cybersecurity and data protection conference co-founded in 2023 with the IT and cybersecurity school Ecole High-Tech in Rabat, Morocco. MaTecc stands for “Maroc Terrain de Confiance pour la Cybersécurité et la protection des données personnelles” (Morocco, trusted place for cybersecurity and personal data protection). As part of this partnership, CyAN opens and mobilises its international network of experts to participate and bring their expertise to Morocco as a regional and continental hub for cybersecurity, personal data protection and Trust & Safety.
The Good Faith Cybersecurity Researchers Coalition (GFCRC) : a not-for-profit international coalition with the goal of protecting good faith cybersecurity researchers whilst they perform their critical vulnerability identification work. a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to providing direct support to restore and rebuild the emotional and cognitive health of cybersecurity professionals suffering from burnout and other issues.
External Partners
CyAN cooperates with other associations, events, and initiatives that share our values and objectives. We help publicize our partners’ news and events, provide advice when requested, and contribute what we can to help them succeed in their mission.
The International Cybersecurity Forum / Forum International de la Cybersécurité (FIC) organizes events and meetings for cybersecurity professionals around the world.
The Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE) Tis a multi-stakeholder community of over 200 Members and Partners including governments, international organisations, companies, and academics from all regions of the world.
L’AScociation de SOutien aux Victimes de Cyber Attaques (ASSOVICA) is a French group that supports professional entities that have been targeted by cyberattacks.
The Global Anti-Scam Alliance (GASA) is a not-for-profit organisation. GASA’s mission is to create a world where people worldwide are safe from the financial and emotional trauma caused by online scams.
Cyber Made in Poland is a collaborative and promotional platform dedicated to advancing the Polish cybersecurity industry. It coordinates the annual CYBERSEC Expo and Forum, and supports publication of the European Cybersecurity Journal.