Navigating the 2023 Cyber Landscape: A Comprehensive Guide for the C-Suite


As we delve into the intricacies of Cybersecurity Awareness Month this year, the intricate dance between evolving digital landscapes and complex cybersecurity challenges becomes ever more apparent. For every organization, especially those at the CISO, C-suite, and boardroom levels, the magnifying lens on cybersecurity has never been more potent. In the wake of sophisticated threats […]

Regulatory Compliance: Sidestepping Penalties through Robust Cybersecurity


In our ongoing series, “Cybersecurity: The Unsung Hero of Revenue Protection,” we’ve explored how cybersecurity acts as a strategic business asset, protects revenue, builds customer trust, and enhances operational efficiency. In this final instalment, we turn our attention to the role of cybersecurity in ensuring regulatory compliance, and how businesses can sidestep penalties by building […]

Streamlining Operations: The Efficiency Gains from Cybersecurity


In the previous parts of our series, “Cybersecurity: The Unsung Hero of Revenue Protection,” we’ve looked at cybersecurity as a strategic business asset, the financial implications of cyber threats, and its crucial role in fostering customer trust. This fourth instalment examines another crucial aspect of cybersecurity—its ability to enhance operational efficiency. As we navigate our […]

From Data Protection to Trust Elevation: The Role of Cybersecurity


In the initial instalments of our series “Cybersecurity: The Unsung Hero of Revenue Protection,” we highlighted the pivotal role cybersecurity plays as a strategic business asset and underscored the significant financial implications of cyber threats. This third part brings into focus a crucial factor in today’s interconnected world—customer trust. As our global society continues to […]

New Secure-in-Mind Episodes


We have published a number of new videos/podcasts in our Secure-in-Mind series, featuring a wide range of distinguished and exciting guests. Whether you’re interested in fraud/cybercrime, education, incident response, policy, diversity, cyber risk insurance – the CyAN Secure-in-Mind channel is a great place for informed conversations with experts from around the industry, all over the […]

Understanding the Cost of Cyber Threats

In an ever-evolving digital landscape, the rise of cyber threats has made cybersecurity a top priority for businesses worldwide. Historically, cybersecurity has been seen as a shield—a defensive mechanism to ward off attackers and protect our sensitive data. However, in this increasingly interconnected world, it’s high time we start recognising cybersecurity as more than just […]