Part 1: Reframing Cybersecurity: From Defence to Business Strategy In an ever-evolving digital landscape, the rise of cyber threats has made cybersecurity a top priority for businesses worldwide. Historically, cybersecurity has been seen as a shield—a defensive mechanism to ward off attackers and protect our sensitive data. However, in this increasingly interconnected world, it’s high […]
CyAN Endorses the Global Anti-Scam Alliance

The Cybersecurity Advisors Network board of directors has voted unanimously to formally endorse the Global Anti-Scam Alliance (GASA)
Cybermindz US Launch: Mental Health Support for Cybersecurity Professionals

Cybermindz, which CyAN is a founding partner of, has officially launched in the US! We are especially proud of Peter Coroneos, our former VP, who founded Cybermindz and brought it to where it is today. Cybermindz has made a significant contribution to the cybersecurity industry with the launch of their on-the-ground mental health support for cyber […]
DORA : Les enjeux de la résilience opérationnelle pour le système financier européen

Le Digital Operational Resilience Act («DORA ») fait partie du paquet législatif relatif aux services numérique présenté en 2020 par la Commission de l’Union Européenne (« UE ») et voté fin 2022 par le Parlement. Ce règlement (UE) 2022 /2554 vise à assurer la stabilité et le sain développement du secteur financier à l’heure de […]
CyAN Announces Mentorship Programme

The Cybersecurity Advisors Network (CyAN) is piloting its cybersecurity mentorship programme for university students.
Navigating the Discrepancy Between GDPR and KYC Obligations

In this article, we’ll explore the key differences between GDPR and KYC obligations and how they can create challenges for organizations.
Interview with Dr. Cormac Callanan about The US National Cybersecurity Strategy

Dr. Cormac Callanan and John Salomon discuss the US National Cybersecurity Strategy, released by the White House on March 1 2023. In this extensive conversation, they dive into the five pillars of the strategy. What is the US government doing to drive greater cybersecurity maturity? How will the strategy not only impact the United States’ […]
Translation – Fujitsu Breach

The following is a translation by James Briscoe, CyAN Secretary General. The original Japanese announcement by Fujitsu details the results of an investigation by Fujitsu into unauthorised external communications on one of their services. This announcement has not yet made it into the English language. Please find the original Japanese announcement on Fujitsu’s site here. […]
Expert Discussion – Zero Trust: What is Real in the Myth?

Are you interested in learning what is real in the myth of Zero Trust? Then join us for an informative panel discussion moderated by James Briscoe, CyAN Secretary General, where a group of experts will delve into the topic and answer some key questions. Our panelists include: During this recorded webinar, the panel explores the […]