CyAN Global Coalition to Protect Cyber Researchers – iTWire coverage


“At a time of unprecedented scale and seriousness of cyber attacks threatening our personal information, the continuity of our businesses and the systems and infrastructure that support our societies, we find the very people we rely on to protect us remain under threat.” On Tuesday, Cybersecurity Advisors Network (CyAN) International VP Peter Coroneos sat with Alex Zaharov-Reutt of iTWire, the […]

CyAN Global Coalition to Protect Cyber Researchers – Australian Financial Review coverage


Yesterday, the Australian Financial Review, one of Australia’s most respected business-focused newspapers, covered the launch of the Cybersecurity Advisors Network (CyAN)’s inclusive global coalition to work towards securing internationally consistent legal immunities for bona fide zero day researchers. CyAN member Edward Farrel is one such researcher who discussed his experience with the AFR of being […]

Belgian Data Retention Legislation – CyAN signs open letter to protect end-to-end encryption


The Cybersecurity Advisors Network (CyAN) is joining 81 individual cybersecurity experts and organisations in signing the Global Encryption Coalition’s open letter against Belgium’s Data Retention Legislation. The Data Retention Legislation requires encrypted systems operators to allow law enforcement access to content from specific users upon request. These businesses will effectively be forced to implement encryption […]

UN Cybercrime Treaty – CyAN signs Multistakeholder Manifesto for a human rights oriented internet


The Cybersecurity Advisors Network (CyAN) is committed to making our digital environment safe from crime through cooperation and the rule of law. For this reason, CyAN is a signatory to the Multistakeholder Manifesto on the proposed UN Cybercrime Treaty led by the CyberPeace Institute and the Cybersecurity Tech Accord. Cybercrime is increasing in scale, frequency, […]