Si Vis Pacem… A recent article published in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ – soft paywall) about Germany’s “Operationsplan Deutschland” (English version of the informational brochure here), or OPLAN DEU, has drawn media attention to escalating tensions between the EU and aligned countries, and Russia, accelerated since Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine. The operational plan […]
CyAN Video/Podcast – Linux Malware and Security, With Craig Rowland

The latest episode of CyAN’s Secure-in-Mind video and podcast series features Craig Rowland, CEO and founder of New Zealand-based Sandfly Security.32 “The Internet runs on Linux” – over 90% of the top million websites run on Linux, and it’s a critical part of the global Internet, used for a huge range of applications – industrial […]
Cyber Conflict in the Middle East – Round One

In the latest of our series of discussions on CyAN’s YouTube channel “State of (Cyber)War” playlist about cyber conflict and -capabilities, Hugo Tarrida and John Salomon talk about the background and current state of cyber conflict in the Middle East.
Weekly Digest Issue #72 – Dec 04, 2023

CyAN’s weekly digest of cybersecurity news from around the globe. Find the links to the full articles below. LinkedIn version and discussion available here. If there is a topic you would like to see more of, do not hesitate to get in touch! Brought to you by James Briscoe, Secretary General at the Cybersecurity Advisors Network (CyAN)