CyAN co-organiser of MaTeCC, 22-25 April 2024, Rabat

The 2ne edition of MaTecc, the conference on cybersecurity and data protection that aims to build trust in Morocco and Africa, took place on 22-25 April 2024.

MaTeCC is co-organised by Ecole High Tech and Cybersecurity Advisors Network (CyAN). It featured over 30 experts over 3 days, with experts from Morocco, West-Africa, Australia, France, Pakistan and the USA.

As an international network of experts in #cybersecurity#privacy and #trustandsafety, CyAN participated with numerous experts, by alphabetic order of participants : Ali EL AZZOUZI (as sponsor), Corinne THIERACHEGarance MathiasJean-Christophe (J-C) Le ToquinHicham FaikKadidja GoulainInssata RICOURTMatthieu CamusMehdi Azaouioui (speaker and sponsor), Peter CoroneosRomeo A., Yannick Ragonneau (as sponsor).

The programme of the conference: