Laurent Bernat, Cybersecurity Policy Analyst, OECD, at the Risk Summit, 10 March 2022 addresses members of Cybersecurity Advisors Network on the work programme of the institution. The session was moderated by Christian AghroumFrom left : Khadidja Goulain, Jean-Christophe Le Toquin, René Picon-Dupré, Inssata Ricourt, Gilles Chevillon, Xavier MaiaLunch time ! From the left, almost all members of CyAN : Nick Kelly, Danilo D’Elia (special guest), Maxence Bobin, Jean-Christophe Le Toquin, Gilles Chevillon, Khadidja Goulain, Xavier Maia, Olivier Allaire
Risk Summit also includes a dinner for the partners, Nick Kelly and Jean-Christophe Le Toquin are 5th and 6th starting from the left