CyAN partner of the SECURITY CASE STUDY (SCS) conference, in Warsaw, September 13-14th 2018


CyAN is proud to become the Partner of the SECURITY CASE STUDY (SCS) conference, organized in Warsaw, Poland on September 13-14th 2018.

Security Case Study is the conference organised by practitioners and professionals who deal with IT security and digital investigations issues on a daily basis, ready to share their experiences and knowledge.

The agenda will include the most important, current cases, taken from the life of IT security and digital investigations specialists. Proposed formula of the case study naturally facilitates sharing their experiences and recommendations based on discussed issues, cyber threats and attacks on organisations. Speakers will share their unique knowledge gained only in emergency situations. The cases will be presented from both equally important perspectives – the technical and the organisational ones.

Security Case Study has been growing every year since its creation 5 years ago, and is gathering speakers and participants from all around the world, making it an international event.

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