CyAN advises the European Commission on the fight against Fake News


The European Commission’s Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology has entitled Dr. Gergely Dzsinich (Board Member of CyAN) to be a member of the High-Level Expert Group on Fake News representing CyAN.

The High-Level Expert Group’s aim and role are to advise the European Commission on all issues in relation to the spread of false information across traditional and social media on how to cope with its social and political consequences.

CyAN – the Paris based association was founded in 2015 – now covers 20 countries with 63 multidisciplinary experts focusing on various areas of cybersecurity. Gergely has 15 years of experience in the field of legal and strategic advisorty in the info-communication and intellectual property sectors. He will be supported by a team of 4 members of CyAN: Secretary-General Maelle LeLardic, Abdul Hakeem Ajijola, Joseph Schwerha and CyAN’s president Jean-Christophe Le Toquin.