CyAN appoints Peter Coroneos to head the Asia-Pacific region


Senior cyber policy expert and industry leader Peter Coroneos has been appointed by the Paris-based international NGO, Cybersecurity Advisors Network (CyAN) to lead its efforts in the Asia Pacific region.

CyAN President Jean-Christophe le Toquin welcomed Mr Coroneos’s appointment as a significant step for the organisation whose mission it is to bring effective and timely professional cybersecurity advice to business and governments.

The organisation comprises world leading multi-disciplinary experts in cyber policy, cyber law and technology, including blockchain technologies, cryptocurrencies and malware mitigation and recovery.

“I have personally known Peter for nearly 20 years. I met him when he was leading the Internet Industry Association in Australia and I was running EuroISPA, the pan-European association of European Internet Services Providers Associations. I have always been inspired by his passion for Internet issues, his commitment to building a trusted environment for (Internet?) users and his obvious subject-matter expertise across a wide range of areas/issues”.

CyAN board, which approved unanimously this appointment, was impressed by Peter’s leadership role including the development of the ‘icode’, a malware detection and mitigation initiative which saw him invited twice to the White House to advise the Obama Administration. The US subsequently introduced a similar scheme which today protects tens of millions of users, with the icode covering most users in Australia.

Mr Le Toquin added “The list of Peter’s achievements is long and we are delighted to have him join our leadership team to help spread best cyber practice and capacity throughout the Asia Pacific region”.

In accepting his appointment, Mr. Coroneos thanked CyAN saying: “The times we live in call for international cooperation and information sharing and CyAN is a perfect vehicle for that.”

“As we saw with WannaCry and NotPetya, the threats are global and spread almost instantaneously with no regard for borders. So, we cannot move too quickly to empower vulnerable businesses and users to become more prepared with what are likely to be escalated attacks in 2018.”

“I will do my best to engage the strong cyber talent that exists locally, so we can target our regional efforts more effectively.”