ANTWERP- (September 2017) – EUROPOL’s Intellectual Property Rights Conference was held in Antwerp this year. The event provided numerous IPR related companies, service providers and the law enforcement sphere to meet and share thoughts on the recent developments of this battlefield. As it is widely known 28% of the EU’s labour force is connected to IP and this number is continuously growing on the continent. Discussion topics focused on the growing importance of the IT related technologies which have a crucial effect on illegal actions related to IPRs. Participants shared thoughts on various aspects of IPR infringements, such as: IPTV, medical, pharma, energy, pesticides, jewellery and fashion. Regarding IT it can also be stated that the crypto technologies both from communication and from payment perspectives are meaning a challenge for law enforcement. Dr. Greg Dzsinich (Board Member of CyAN) has participated the event and had meetings with various Asian, American and EU industry representatives, furthermore, law enforcement professionals. CyAN keeps it important to focus on supporting the European initiatives of IPR protection via digital means.
CyAN at EUROPOL’s Intellectual Property Rights Conference