CyAN to moderate discussions about cybersecurity challenge in the Energy sector at the European Cyber Day


Do not miss this first and promising edition of the European Cyber Day which will take place in the European Capital city on 27th June. Participants from the European Commission, Members of the European Parliament, officials from ENISA and the IAEA, and representatives from the private sector will discuss about cybersecurity challenges in the energy sector.

CyAN is proud to support this high-level event and Christian Aghroum, VP of CyAN, will have the honour to moderate all three roundtables:

  • Cybersecurity of critical Energy Infrastructures
  • Cybersecurity challenges for smart grids
  • How the civil nuclear sector deals with cybersecurity challenges?


Energy transition and digital technology have brought many changes in the energy sector and its supply chain. It has increased the level of vulnerabilities with a wide range of threats such as terrorism, organized crime, economic intelligence, etc. Cyber threats are clearly more pernicious because of the increased complexity of today’s energy infrastructures and because smart networks have increased new vulnerabilities and interdependencies with a multiplicity of new actors and new profiles. The diversity of the public and private actors in the sector and of the whole chain of providers and subcontractors are making the continuity at the cyber security level more and more difficult to achieve.

Why a European Cyber Day?

Wannacry is one of the most important wake-up call about cybersecurity in every organization, public or private, French, European or international. The European Cyber Day has been designed as the Rendez-vous for the Europeans to talk about Cybersecurity. Not for technicians only but for the people who make the governance of their company. Participants will get a clear vision of how any matter of cybersecurity has to be processed to stop being a threat and becoming a competitive advantage.

More information and registration: