9 experts in cybersecurity, blockchain, darknet and investment join CyAN


CyAN is delighted to welcome 9 more members from the US, Estonia, France, Iran, Australia, Israel and Singapore.

– Richard La Magna, Cybersecurity Strategy consultant
– Makko Kunnapu, Legal Adviser
– Alexandre Stachtchenko, Strategic adviser on blockchain
– Andrew Lewman, Cybersecurity adviser specialised in darknet and P2P technologies
– Patris Koushesh, Network and security advisor
– Adam Palmer, Cybersecurity Regulatory & Policy expert
– Peter Coroneos, Senior cybersecurity Policy Analyst
– Ido Sivan Sevilla, Technical and strategic cybersecurity & privacy adviser
– Steven Liew, Investment and corporate adviser

Check their expertise on our Members page and discover how they will contribute to make our world more secure.