Opening words from the President

You may wonder : why yet another association of cybersecurity experts?

Well, actually, we created CyAN because nothing similar existed!

Of course there are a number of very active and efficient organisations out there, which promote the importance of cybersecurity and represent the views and interests of their knowledgeable members. Some groups bring together professionals which are on the front line of securing the IT infrastructure, such as the Chief Security Officers and Chief Information Security Officers. Some other groups represent the business interest of companies, at national or regional level. What we could not find was an association that would bring together not only professionals in (cyber)security, but also professionals from a broad variety of disciplines, from business to human sciences and from innovation to law enforcement, notwithstanding finance, tax, design… you name them.

Now you may object: what all these disciplines have in common?

Well, if you take the perspective of each one of them, it is true that they have little in common with each other. If you are a master in cryptography, you probably don’t need to work with marketers or investigators to do your job effectively. But if you take the point of view of the people and the organisations that seek to be protected, then it is a different matter. Let’s take the example of cryptography : it is a critical element to protect privacy and confidentiality. If you expect to sell cryptography to customers, it’s probably useful that you know how to market your technology, and you anticipate how it will impact the work of law enforcement once it is implemented.

At CyAN, we believe that we will not be able to protect effectively people and organisations from threats and crimes unless we bring together a broad variety of skills with people who have a true desire to learn from and work with others.

This is why we very much believe in the value of diversity. Diversity of age being inclusive of junior and senior members, a good gender balance despite girls are hesitant to embrace a career in computing and boys are less attracted by communication and law, variety of personal and professional backgrounds, all this matters to build a thriving community.

If like us you believe that – as knowledgeable and experienced you may be – you will grow personally and professionally by opening yourself to other disciplines and to other people from every age and background, CyAN may indeed be a relevant group for you as well.

We look forward to building this initiative with you!