Check out fellow member Kim Chandler McDonald on a podcast discussing her book,, “An Interviewer’s Guidebook: Turning Conversations into Captivating Stories
Subsea Cables – A Crunchy Target

In the latest State of (Cyber)War episode, Hugo Tarrida and John Salomon discuss the history and current situation surrounding the world of undersea comms infrastructure,
Iranian Cyberwarfare History and Capabilities

In the final episode of our deep-dive into Middle East cyber- and information warfare, we take a closer look at Iran.
Israeli Cyberwarfare History and Capabilities

In the latest of our State of (Cyber)War discussions, we cover Israel’s cyber- and information warfare organization, capabilities, and activities.
Cyber Conflict in the Middle East – Round One

In the latest of our series of discussions on CyAN’s YouTube channel “State of (Cyber)War” playlist about cyber conflict and -capabilities, Hugo Tarrida and John Salomon talk about the background and current state of cyber conflict in the Middle East.