The EU’s Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) recently gained political agreement, and is in the process of being adopted by the parliament. This expansive regulation will deeply affect how ICT products are designed, sold, and maintained in a more secure manner throughout the EU.
🔍 Exploring the Nexus: NIST Framework vs. DORA Regulation in the Financial Sector 🌐💼

CyAN member Gilles Chevillon shares an analysis of the Digital Operational Resilience Act, the European Union’s flagship regulation governing cybersecurity in the financial sector.
Interview with Dr. Cormac Callanan about The US National Cybersecurity Strategy

Dr. Cormac Callanan and John Salomon discuss the US National Cybersecurity Strategy, released by the White House on March 1 2023. In this extensive conversation, they dive into the five pillars of the strategy. What is the US government doing to drive greater cybersecurity maturity? How will the strategy not only impact the United States’ […]