Hôtel de l’Industrie, à Paris Jean-Christophe Le Toquin, Président de CyAN,interviendra le jeudi 16 mars à l’hôtel de l’industrie Paris aux “Petits-déjeuners de la science et de l’innovation” de l’AFAS sur le thème “La cybersécurité, qu’est-ce que c’est ? Comment la traiter ?” Qu’est-ce que la cybersécurité ? Elle est un thème d’actualité brûlant à […]
CyAN joins Europol Cybercrime Centre (EC3) Advisory Group on Communication Providers

Dr Gergely Dzsinich has successfully applied as member, representing CyAN, of the Europol Cybercrime Centre (EC3) Advisory Group on Communication Providers. In 2013 the Programme Board of Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) had identified the need for establishing Advisory Groups to provide guidance to EC3. In 2013, Advisory Groups were established in the areas of Financial Services […]
CyAN, for a more open vision of cybersecurity

[Press release] CyAN is an initiative by 9 independent consultants with diverse backgrounds (legal and public affairs, information security and operational risk management, law enforcement, investment) committed to provide a simple answer to a complex question: how to foster cybersecurity and the fight against cybercrime: Jean-Christophe Le Toquin, Christian Aghroum, Monika Josi, Kourosh Teimoorzadeh, Fabrice […]
CyAN, pour une approche plus ouverte de la cybersécurité

[Communiqué de presse] Au départ ce sont 9 consultants indépendants d’horizons divers (juridique et affaires publiques, sécurité de l’information et risques opérationnels, police, conseil en investissement) qui ont à cœur de trouver une réponse simple à une question complexe : comment favoriser la cybersécurité et la lutte contre la cybercriminalité : Jean-Christophe Le Toquin, Christian Aghroum, Monika […]
Opening words from the President

You may wonder : why yet another association of cybersecurity experts? Well, actually, we created CyAN because nothing similar existed! Of course there are a number of very active and efficient organisations out there, which promote the importance of cybersecurity and represent the views and interests of their knowledgeable members. Some groups bring together professionals which are on the […]
CyAN first public presentation at Council of Europe cybercrime conference

The first public presentation of CyAN took place on 18th June 2015 at the Octopus cybercrime conference of the Council of Europe. The speakers were Christian Aghroum (1st from the left) and Monika Josi (2nd from the left)