Hugo Tarrida and John Salomon talk about the history of military encryption, from the Cold War until today, part of CyAN’s State of (Cyber)War podcast series.
New Podcast: Military Cryptology, Part I

Cryptography and Cryptanalysis – Military Applications From Antiquity to the End of World War II Join our motivated more-or-less informed amateurs Hugo Tarrida and John Salomon for the latest in our State of (Cyber)War series, part of CyAN’s Secure in Mind video and podcast network. This is part one of a two-part series; part II […]
The Growing Threat of Quantum Supremacy in The Era Of Digital Civilization

Aliasgar Eranpurwala, a graduate of the CyAN mentorship programme pilot, writes about his work on post-quantum cryptography and quantum key distribution to secure satellite communications