CyAN participated in the 15th Anniversary of the Budapest Convention

Some 300 cybercrime experts from 90 countries, 12 international and 40 private sector, civil society organisations and academia met at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France, from 16 to 18 November 2016 for the Octopus 2016 Conference on cooperation against cybercrime.

Nour Eddine El Bouhati represented our association during the 15th anniversary of the Budapest Convention and had the pleasure to present the “singularity” of our association, a collective intelligence at the service of a multidisciplinary approach to fighting cybercrime in workshop 7 ” synergies: policies and initiatives on cybercrime of international and private organizations “.

Key messages of the conference can be found here

All the highlights of the convention and the presentations are available on the COE website: Octopus Conference.