Join CyAN member John Morgan Salomon at ITBN Conf-Expo in Budapest on 11-12 October!
Disinformation is a major threat to modern liberal democracy, stable societies, and functioning markets. Trolls are a blight on online discourse, and a problem we’ll be struggling with for some time.
We need to be sharp as we navigate the digital world. AI bears major challenges as malicious actors exploit increasingly clever automation technology, but also tremendous opportunities for identifying, tracking, analysing, and ultimately disrupting these groups and their destructive influence.
John will participate in the following discussion with Egor Zakharov of ETH Zurich- “Clear deception or clear reception? What does our future demand?” He’ll also present original work, “Everyone Faces their Own T(R)oll – the use of artificial intelligence as a scalable, economic, and effective counter to disinformation”
See you there!