House Rules

1           What is CyAN?

CyAN stands for CYbersecurity and cybercrime Advisors Network. It is officially registered as a non-profit association with the Préfecture de Police in Paris, France under the name “Association des Conseillers en Cybersécurité et lutte contre la Cybercriminalité (CYAN network)”.

Its purpose is defined in Article 2 of the Articles of Associatio­­n.

1.1         Values

CyAN focuses on the strengthening of cybersecurity and the fight against cybercrime, as a mean to contribute to personal development and prosperity of our societies.

Members share the view that multi-disciplinary collaboration, regardless of gender, age, personal and professional backgrounds, is a foundational element to increase safety and security in the digital age, and more generally for any progress in human society.

Members are committed to build trusted relationship among themselves and with institutions cooperating with CyAN.

Members undertake to act with integrity and promote the values of the association.

1.2         Who can benefit from CyAN?

CyAN aims to benefit advisors who want to participate in creating a more secure online world, whether they are users or providers of solutions and services in the field of cybersecurity and the fight against cybercrime.

CyAN also aims to help professionals who consider a change in their career, whether they are in private or public sectors, employees, independent consultants, entrepreneurs or retired, to help them share their expertise in the most useful and fulfilling manner for themselves and for the community.

Membership is open to individuals with proven expertise in line with the scope and the objectives of the association (as defined in the Articles of the Association), or who are deemed to have a potential for a strong contribution in the future.

1.3         Objectives


  1. Promotes a multi-disciplinary approach to cybersecurity and cybercrime: it represents the members gathered in the association towards institutions, industries and the media; participates as an association in meetings and events.
  2. Provides best practices: the association provides studies, guidelines, best practices
  3. Support members: members can develop their activities by learning from and exchanging with other members. Members can benefit from meetings, trainings (e.g. about new trends/legislations), logistics (e.g. office space), a pool of advisers that can be used to help achieving a project and common resources to apply to tenders.

These objectives can be adapted according to the market and the members’ needs.

CyAN does not itself sell or deliver professional services to customers.

2           CyAN membership

2.1         Membership criteria
  • Members are advisors whose integrity, knowledge, experience and appreciation of other disciplines are deemed to be useful to achieving the goals of the association.
  • Members apply on an individual basis.
  • Members can be independent consultants or professionals, in-house advisers (employees), civil servants, law enforcement agents, judiciary professionals, academia.
  • The association is open in terms of age, skills/expertise as long as applicants do have a genuine interest in the topic.
2.2         Membership fees

In 2015, the following fees apply, as adopted by the General Assembly:

An annual membership fee of 200 EUR (excluding VAT): covers administrative and organisation costs of the association. Members become part of the advisers, can work on projects, are invited to take part in events and meetings organised by the association.

CyAN is fully aware that the annual membership fee may not fit all situations. Applicants or members whose situation makes it difficult to afford the annual membership fee may request an adjustment of their fee to the Board. Once membership has been processed and accepted or renewed, no request for refunding (in part or in full) will be accepted.

2.3         Other fees

CyAN can offer further services, subject to fees that are defined by the Board:

  • Intelligence and lobbying: members benefit from dedicated trainings, meetings, intelligence services on legislations, trends and tenders.
  • Access to office space and meeting rooms.
2.4         Members’ duties

Members have a commitment to act with integrity and ethics, be transparent internally and externally on their membership to CyAN, and promote its values.

Within and outside CyAN, members are expected to fulfil their professional obligations with care and quality as they are engaging CyAN’s credibility and trust.

2.5         Vetting and vouching process

Application to join CyAN is made upon recommendation of an existing member. The vouching member shall ensure that the applicant understands and comply with the values and objectives of the association.

The membership is subject to the endorsement of the Board of administration (hereafter the “Board”).

Any membership application should comply with the following procedure:

  • Applications shall be sent to the Secretary General, who will check it that is sufficiently detailed and motivated before passing it on to the Board.
  • Any member of the association can propose a new applicant.
  • The decision of the Board is not made public, in order to protect the candidates whose application would be rejected. It does not need to be motivated in writing.
  • Endorsement of new members should be voted out if at least 2 members of the express concerns, or one member vetoes the application.  
2.6         Member’s suspension and exclusion

Decisions to suspend or exclude members for violation of the rules and values of CyAN are the responsibility of the Board. The Board may request advice from any member or third party (including the client of the member whose misconduct is alleged) to help review the case and decides whether the member should be suspended or excluded from CyAN.

Any member can be suspended or excluded by the Board at any time if a majority of Board members agrees that there has been a misconduct or violation of the values of the CyAN. The board may extend the suspension or exclusion to the member who recommended the advisor initially.

Membership will be suspended in case of delay in paying any invoice sent by CyAN beyond 60 days, upon decision of the Bureau.

Motivations of suspension and exclusion remains strictly confidential amongst the Board and the affected member.

Decisions of suspension and exclusion are notified to all the members. Members who are suspended or excluded are removed from the list of members which is publicly available.

3           Internal organisations

3.1         The Board

The Board is composed of up to 8 members, who are elected by the General Assembly. The Board is in charge of running of the association, defining and implementing policies and decisions taken at the General Assembly. As part of its function:

  • It ensures the overall management of the association
  • It manages membership: admission, exclusion, suspension, resignation
  • It elects and control its bureau: President, Treasurer and Secretary
  • It develops an action plan and budget of the association
  • It reports about the activities of the association to the General Assembly for approval
3.2         The Bureau

The Bureau is composed of a President, a Treasurer and a Secretary. It is elected and controlled by the Board. The Bureau is in charge of the daily management of the association. The bureau can be assisted by consultants or employees in its functions. These professionals commit to the same rules as defined in these house rules.  The President is mandated by the Board to make or incur expenses on behalf of the association, as long as it remains in the remit of the association’s interests and do not exceed 1,000 EUR. Any expenses exceeding 1,000 EUR must be co-signed by the Treasurer and the President.

3.2.1          The President
  • He/she is the legal representative of the association
  • He/she guarantees the respect of the values and the mission of the association
  • He/she calls the General Assembly’s meetings and introduces them
  • He/she leads the bureau and board meetings
3.2.2          The Treasurer
  • He/she is in charge of finance matters: membership fees, sponsoring, investments…
  • He/she authorises invoicing and payments
  • He/she drafts the financial report for the General Assembly
3.2.3          The Secretary
  • He/she is in charge of the administration of the association
  • He/she coordinates internal and external communication
  • He/she is in charge of meeting minutes and reports
3.3         The Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee is composed of up to 7 members, who are appointed by the Board. It does not have voting rights. The Advisory Committee helps the association achieving its objective and contribute to relevant projects. Its members advise the association on issues related to the scope of the association. The Advisory Committee meets or participate in activities of the association upon invitation by the President or the Secretary General. Members of the Advisory Committee can also meet upon their own initiative, but shall inform the President or the Secretary General prior to the meeting.

3.4         Financial compensation and allowances

Members of the association, the Board and the Bureau act on a voluntary basis. They will receive no compensation or allowances for the work they do on behalf of the association. However, individual expenses spent in the remit of the association’s action – such as missions, travel and accommodation expenses – can be compensated, on the basis of receipts and conditioned to prior approval of the treasurer and/or president.

3.5         The General Assembly

Members are integrated to the association after completion of the vetting process. All members are invited to participate in the General Assembly. The General Assembly elects the Board by secret ballot and adopts association’s policies. Other decisions regarding agenda points are voted by show of hands unless requested otherwise by 10% of the present or represented members.

4           Coordination of the network

4.1         Information to the members
  • Members share/exchange information related to the definition and objectives of the community within the using the mailing list.
  • Members are invited to share any new projects they believe of interest to CyAN with all members using the mailing list – and this for transparency matters.
  • Members report about projects progress to all members using the mailing list.
  • It is understood and accepted that separate discussions can take place amongst some members.
4.2         Information about members

CyAN maintains a directory of members’ profiles, listing their competences, experiences, geographical reach. This directory is made available to members and third parties. Members commit to inform the association about any changes to their profiles. Members are not endorsed and shall not promote themselves for skills/competences that are not listed by the association.

5           Sponsoring

Request for sponsorship by CyAN shall be submitted to the Secretary General and approved by the Board.

6           Use of CyAN’s brand

Members are entitled to make public reference of their membership to CyAN.

Members shall inform the Secretary General when using CyAN’s brand and logo for promotional purpose.

7           Confidentiality

All activities within CyAN are deemed confidential unless specified otherwise. Public statements by members of CyAN are considered as personal views unless they have been specifically endorsed by the Board.